CHEM 1001/CHM1020/CHM1025C/CHM1032C    Name: ______________

Module Three Sample Pretest


Module Three Part M: Multiple Choice: Corwin Chapters 5, 6 (lecture)  5 points

Select the answer which best fits the description:


____1. Which of the following best defines the term isotopes?

(A) same number of protons-different number of electrons

(B) same number of protons-different number of neutrons

(C) same number of neutrons-different number of protons

(D) same number of neutrons-different number of electrons

(E) same number of electrons-different number of protons


____2. What is the term for the value which indicates the total number of protons and

 neutrons in an isotope of a given element?

(A) atomic notation

(B) atomic number

(C) atomic mass

(D) mass number

(E) none of the above


____3. The periodic law states that the properties of elements repeat when the periodic

 table is arranged according to which of the following?

(A) increasing atomic mass

(B) increasing isotopic mass

(C) increasing atomic number

(D) increasing mass number

(E) increasing neutron number


____4. Which fourth period representative element has the highest atomic number?

(A) Ca

(B) Kr

(C) Pb

(D) Fm

(E) Ge


____5.  Which element has the most metallic character.

(A) Li

(B) Na

(C) Ne

(D) Cs

(E) H


____6. Predict which of the following has chemical properties most similar to arsenic.

(A) Ar

(B) Cl

(C) Ge

(D) Sb

(E) Se


____7. Which energy sublevel is being filled by the elements K through Ca?

(A) 3d

(B) 4s

(C) 4p

(d) 4d

(E) 4f


____8. Predict the number of outer s & p electrons (valence electrons) for the atom


(A) 2

(B) 4

(C) 6

(D) 16

(E) 32


____9. What is the predicted ionic charge for the Barium ion?

(A) 1+

(B) 2+

(C) 3+

(D) 1-

(E) 2-


____10.What is the principle which states that no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers?

(A) Hund’s Rule

(B) Pauli Exclusion Principle

(C) photoelectric effect

(D) quantum principle

(E) Uncertainty Principle


Answers: 1.b    2.d    3.c     4.b     5.d     6.d     7.b     8.c   9.b     10.b