CHEM 1001/CHM 1020/ Chm1025C/CHM1032C         Name:________

Module 4 Sample Pretest


Module Four: Part F    Ternary Ionic Compounds                 5 points


Using a periodic chart write the names or formulas of the following compounds depending on whether the formula or name is given:


1.   Na2CO3       _____________________


2.   K2SO4           _____________________


3.   (NH4)3PO4    _____________________


4.   Ca(ClO3)2     _____________________


5.   CuNO3            _____________________



6.   Aluminum Hydroxide          ____________



7.   Ammonium carbonate        ____________



8.   Sodium Hypochlorite          ____________



9.   Magnesium Nitrate              ____________



10.  Iron III sulfite                       _____________