CHEM 1001/CHM 1020/ Chm1025C/CHM1032C Name:___Answers

Module 8 Sample Pretest


Module 8: Solutions-Chapter 14

A. _____(10) Solution Properties -From Lecture

B. _____(10) Factors Affecting Solubility and  Rate of Dissolving-

                        Sec 14.1, 14.2, 14.5, 14.6  &  From Lecture

C. _____(10) Solution Definitions- Sect 14.7, 14.8, 14.9 & From Lecture

D. _____(10) Solution Preparation Problems Section 14.7, 14.8, 14.9

M. _____(10) Multiple Choice Chapter 14

_______(50) Total = ______%


Part A: Solution Properties        10 points


List five of the six properties of a true solution:


1.  It is homogeneous mixture of two or more components, solute and solvent



2.  It has variable composition, that is, the ratio of solute and solvent may be varied.



3. The dissolved solute is molecular or ionic in size



4. It may be colored or colorless but it is usually transparent



5. The solute remains uniformly distributed throughout the solution and will not settle out with time (every drop has exactly the same concentration)



6. The solute generally can be separated from the solvent by purely physical means (for example evaporation or distillation)