CHEM 1001                            Name: ____________________


Module Four: Part G    Binary/Ternary Acids                 5 points

Using a periodic chart write the names or formulas of the following compounds depending on whether the formula or name is given:


1.    HCl       _____________________    


2.    H2SO4     ____________________    


3.    HNO3      _____________________


4.  HNO2        ___________________


5.   H2CO3      ___________________


6.    Hypochlorous acid          _________


7.    Phosphoric acid              _________


8.    Sulfurous acid                 _________


9.    Perchloric acid                _________


10.  Hydrofluoric acid              ________




Module Four: Part A       Bond Recognition                     5 points

Using a periodic chart, predict the bond that would form between the two elements::


1.   Cu-Zn            ________________


2.    Ca-F             ________________


3.    C-O               ________________


4.   B-Cl                ________________


5.    N-H                ________________