CHEM 1001                                                Name: ____________________


Module Four: Part H    Inorganic Compounds                 10 points


Using a periodic chart write the names or formulas of the following polyatomic ions depending on whether the formula or name is given:


1.  H2CO3         _____________________


2.   MgSO4       _____________________


3.   Ca3(PO3)2  ____________________


4.   HClO3       _____________________


5.   SO3           _____________________


6.   Fe2O3             _____________________


7.    Aluminum Hydroxide       ____________



8.   Ammonium chloride        _____________



9.   Sodium Hypochlorite       _____________



10.   Nitrogen dioxide              _____________



11.  Calcium Phosphate          ____________



12.  Sulfuric acid                     ____________