CHM1025C Module One: Sample Exam Homework Answers

Part E: Energy/Forms of Energy                      5 points


1.   Define Energy:


Energy is the ability to do work


2.   What is the difference between the two types of energy:  potential and kinetic energy?

Kinetic Energy (KE) is the energy matter has as a result of motion


Potential Energy (PE) is the stored energy matter possesses and a result of position or composition.


3.    List the six different forms of energy as an energy wheel as stated in the book:



Heat Energy may be defined as Thermal Energy


Light Energy may be defined as Radiant Energy


Some books list Sound Energy as a seventh form, while other books list Magnetic Energy as a form.


Figure 4
Forms of energy

Any of these six forms of energy can be changed into the other five forms.


4.   Define the Law of Conservation of Energy:


The principle that states that energy may neither be created nor destroyed, but can be changed from one form to another.


5.   Reword the Law of Conservation of Energy into the first law of thermodynamics:


The Total Energy of the Universe is a Constant!


Which state of matter has the lowest kinetic energy?


Solids (Ignoring the Plasma state of matter, Gases have the highest kinetic energy)


6.   What is the “Heat Death Theory of the Universe”?

All forms of energy may be transformed into heat energy, but not all heat energy may be converted back to the other forms.

(This is also known as the 2nd law of thermodynamics: The entropy of the universe is increasing!)


Gravitational Energy; Tidal Energy; Sound Energy; Magnetic Energy; Radiant Energy; Dark Energy
Use the Internet to define these forms of energy.